Temple Etiquettes (進出佛堂規則)What to expect at the temple
- Be sincere and respectful while in the Temple. (請持恭敬心及虔誠心來佛堂)
- No gossiping, use gentle voices in conversation.(不大聲說話 不講是非 不傳是非)
- Wear comfortable and conservative clothes.(衣著乾淨 整齊 保守 舒適)
- No shorts, slippers, tank-top or low-cut shirt. Long pants, Long skirts, or long sleeve shirts are preferred. (不穿短褲 不穿拖鞋 不穿無領無袖 或是低胸上衣 長袖 長褲 長裙 是來佛堂最佳衣著)
- Remember to pay courteous respect upon arriving and leaving the temple. (進入佛堂請記得參駕 離開佛堂請記得辭駕 請避免用三鞠躬)
- Inside the altar area, everyone is to be focused on divine matters. Avoid discussing private, worldly and secular affairs. (請持平淨心踏入拜佛區 嚴禁私下交談 或談論凡情凡事)
- Please ask the permission from the Master or the responsible parties when you need to borrow books and other items. Nothing is to be taken without proper permission. (您若需要任何佛堂物品或是書本 請告知佛堂點傳師或是佛堂辦事人員 請勿私自帶走任何佛堂物品或書本)
- Please ask the permission from the Master before bringing any offering onto the altar, or removing any offering from the altar. (請記得請示點傳師 才可將供品獻上佛桌 或是請下佛桌上之供品供茶)